“Family Fun Nights” at your school
Need funds for your school ?
Want to have some fun in a School enviorment ?
Want to create a positive association with families and your school ?
John Pizzi has performed thousands of Family Fun Nights and has helped many organization create the funds they need.

Fundraising has long been associated with forcing students to sell gift wrap, candy or magazine subscriptions to their relatives, or worse, going door-to-door selling stuff no one really wants. Not only are these methods ineffective, they are unsafe for the children. In recent years, “silent auctions” have become popular yet this method depends on the generosity of local businesses to succeed.
Comic Magician and Ventriloquist John Pizzi knows how time consuming these methods can be. As a result, years ago he created a few simple fundraising methods that are fun, easy and fast!

Imagine your community actually getting excited about fundraising!
John’s’ “Family Fun Night Magic and Illusion Show” is the perfect way to get your community involved and excited about supporting your school. Spectacular magic, music, audience interaction and onstage volunteers create memories your community will have for a lifetime! Adults and children alike will enjoy john’s unique humor and amazing magic and comedy!
John has created this fundraising option to require as little effort on your part as possible. All you have to do is provide a location for the show and sell the tickets, either pre-sale,at the door or both. John will provide a flyer that you can photocopy and send home with the students to promote the event. That’s it! You also have the option of selling refreshments at the show to enhance the experience and increase your money making potential. At the end of the show the school gets 50% OR MORE of the ticket sales and ALL of the money raised at the concession stand!
Absolutely no risk to you!
John has created this fundraising option to require as little effort on your part as possible. All you have to do is provide a location for the show and sell the tickets, either pre-sale,at the door or both. John will provide a flyer that you can photocopy and send home with the students to promote the event. That’s it! You also have the option of selling refreshments at the show to enhance the experience and increase your money making potential. At the end of the show,
the school gets 50% OR MORE of the ticket sales and ALL of the money raised at the concession stand!
Absolutely no risk to you!
When you book one of John’s popular “Family Fun Night Magic and Illusion Shows”We take only a portion of the ticket sales from you! This means you have nothing to lose. John only gets paid for the “Family Fun Night Magic and Illusion Show” when you make money on ticket sales
Want to make even more money?
With just a small amount of effort on your part you could make this show even more profitable! John will provide you with fliers, ticket masters, press releases, morning announcements, and a guide book filled with ideas to maximize the earning potential of this program! Simply photocopy the fliers and give to the students to take home, give the press release to your local paper, and keep the students excited with the morning announcements and John guarantees you’ll make a ton of money for your school!
Want an even easier way to raise money?
Looking for something different that will last a little longer than one night? Something that will provide hours of entertainment and encourage kids to expericance Laughter,which is what we all need in these times.. Once again, there is no risk to you! Your school gets 50% of the sales. Simply call John s to receive your order forms and then take orders at your school.
Are you looking to book a show with John Pizzi? Let us know…